Publisher Login
This is the easy.affiliate publisher login for Viking Controlling.
In this area your publishers can login to measure their activities, to get new admedia, to plan new activities or to fetch for example their product data feeds. The comprehensive statistics in this area can be filtered on any publisher related item and grouped on any possible criteria.
Additional to the standard admedia like text links, banners or HTML(5)-admedia, the publishers can fetch the product data feeds here. Also, the product data feeds can be searched via a free text search for example to get a single product, a publisher wants to promote.
As an additional service, the EASY Marketing GmbH developed a dynamic admedia widget, which outputs the products of a feed to a user on the publisher's page. This widgets can be customised in the corporate identity of Viking.
Feel free to look around in the publisher frontend. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Many greetings from Dortmund, Germany,
EASY Marketing GmbH